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The user prints a game day, blank stat-sheet. It already shows the players names and numbers so it’s easy to fill in with tally marks during the game. For basketball there is one blank stat-sheet. Baseball has two, one for offense, one for pitching / defense. After the game the raw data is keyed into Stat-Sheet.com.

Stat-Sheet.com does the rest. It calculates game scores. It adjusts the standings. It calculates detailed statistics. For basketball you can see points per game for every player in the league. If you want to see shooting percentage, just click on it. It’s that easy. Perhaps rebounds per game is what you want, or free throw percentage. It’s all there and more, just a click away. Baseball has all of the stats that you would expect, batting average, home runs, RBIs, ERA, etc. But what if you want to see who has the most doubles, or the highest slugging percetage or on base percentage. Stat-sheet.com does it all. And it's free!
See Example

Stat-Sheet.com is setup this way.        
For example
    Example, California
        Example Youth Basketball Association
            3rd Grade Boys
            3rd Grade Girls
            4th Grade Boys
            4th Grade Girls
        Boys Club of Example
            6th and 7th Graders
                Fall 2008
                Spring 2008
Getting started with a new League
Step 1)   From the home page click Register. Registration is free and is only here to protect the data that you enter.
Step 2)   From the home page, click on Getting Started. Choose your State, then your City.
Step 3)   Look at the list of Leagues, if any, to see if your League has already been created. If not, click on New Entry. You will need to be logged in to create the League. You will automatically become the League Administrator.
Step 4)   Once the new League has been created, it will show up in the list of Leagues within your city. Click on that League to move to Divisions.
Step 5)   Follow the same procedure to create Divisions within your League, Seasons within each Division, Teams within each Season and lastly Players within each Team. Specific coordinators can be assigned at any time to share these duties.

Creating the schedule
Once all of the teams are created and you are logged in with adequate permissions, click on the Add To Schedule button under the schedule. It is an easy to follow form that allows you to create Regular Season League Games and Playoff League Games. To add Non-League Games or Tournament Games, go to the individual team page and follow the links from there to add these Games.

Game Day
Anyone, with permissions or not, can print a blank, game day stat sheet. In the Schedule block, under the Stat-Sheet column, click on Blank. Then click on the specific team to open the blank stat sheet. Then print. Take that to the game and fill it in with tally marks.

After the game
While logged in with adequate permissions, click on the same Blank link as the Game Day instructions shown above.

There are two choices here. You can either enter the game score first then the statistics, or vice versa. The following is what will happen with either choice.

Enter Game Score first
  Click on Enter Game Score then do just that. Then click Return to Teams. You will see that the game score is now shown in the schedule.

Next click on that same Blank link again. Then click on your team under Input Gameday Stat-Sheet. It is important to uncheck Played for all players that did not play so the per game statistics are accurate.

Once the stats are entered, Stat-Sheet.com will calculate the total score from the statistics and compare that with the game score previously entered. If they match, you will be notified about the verification. If they do not match, you will have three choices.
      a) Keep the mismatch. It can be fixed later.
      b) Change the game score.
      c) Change the statistics.

Enter the statistics first
  Click on your team under Input Gameday Stat-Sheet. Again, it is important to uncheck Played for all players that did not play so the per game statistics are accurate. Once the stats are entered, Stat-Sheet.com will calculate the total score from the statistics and ask if it is OK to enter that value as the game score. If you accept it, you’re done. If you choose a different score, you will be presented with the same three choices as above.
      a) Keep the mismatch. It can be fixed later.
      b) Change the game score.
      c) Change the statistics.

  • Every League has exactly one League Administrator, who can make any modifications within that League.
  • Each Division can have a Division Coordinator, who can make modifications within that Division. This is optional.
  • Likewise, each Season can have a Season Coordinator, who can make modifications within that Season. This is also optional.
  • And lastly, each team can have one or two Team Coordinators, designated as Coach and Team Statistician. Again, this is optional.

    Permissions Chart
      Create League Create Division Create Season Create Team Add to Schedule Create Player Input Stat Sheet data Input Game Score
    Any Registered User X              
    League Administrator   X X X X X X X
    Division Coordinator
        X X X X X X
    Season Coordinator
          X X X X X
    Team Coordinator - Coach
              X X X
    Team Coordinator - Statistician
              X X X

    Can an individual hold more than one position at the same time?
    Yes. For example, someone could be the Division Coordinator of more than one Division.

    How is the League Administrator assigned?
    Whoever creates the League is automatically the League Administrator. He/She can, at any time, transfer that position to any registered user.

    How are the coordinators assigned?
    The League Administrator assigns the Division Coordinators.
    The League Administrator or the Division Coordinator assign the Season Coordinators.
    The League Administrator, the Division Coordinator or the Season Coordinator assign the Team Coordinators.

    Assigning Positions Chart
      Re-Assign League Administrator Assign Division Coordinator Assign Season Coordinator Assign Team Coordinator
    League Administrator X X X X
    Division Coordinator
        X X
    Season Coordinator
    Team Coordinator - Coach
    Team Coordinator - Statistician

  • Copyright 2008 Stat-Sheet.com. All rights reserved.